Freya Padmore

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17 Client-Winning Blog Post Ideas for Life Coaches

Blogging is an incredibly powerful tool for life coaches but sometimes it can be difficult to come up with creative blog post ideas week after week. This blog will be sharing 17 creative blog post ideas for life coaches to help you land more clients. Each blog post has a purpose as has been strategically chosen as it links to different stages of the buyer journey.

I am a website designer for coaches and whenever I have finished building a website for a client, I always encourage them to start creating blog content and keep their websites up to date. But why bother?

Why is blogging great for life coaches?

Blogging is a type of long-form content creation which helps you to build trust with potential clients. By consistently creating blog content, you are creating a resource for potential clients who land on your website. This helps position you as an expert in your field, showcases your expertise but also helps your clients get their questions answered. Especially for life coaches where concepts can sometimes be quite abstract or new, blog posts can really help readers to feel seen and learn.

Blogging is also an amazing tool for life coaches as it can be difficult to sell coaching services when clients don’t know what it’s like to work with you, or any coach for that matter. Long form content and blog posts can help to bridge that gap to help them understand what its like to work with you, what concepts and methods you teach, etc.. Helping you to reassure readers and potential clients that you are a coach they can trust.

Lastly, blogging is a wonderful tool as long-form content typically has a much longer life span than that of social media. This is especially the case for SEO optimised blog content which may be found on search engines like Google. Consistently creating long-form content will create a snowball effect in your business as it can be found for months or years to come - unlike social media posts which die after 24 hours.

What makes an effective blog post?

The important thing with blogging is to avoid “dear-dairy” style content which talks exclusively about you and your life, and has no takeaways for the reader. Instead, you want to be creating helpful blog posts which answers questions and helps readers find solutions to their problems.

Secondly, an effective blog post is one with calls to actions throughout, encouraging readers to dive deeper into your blog post ecosystem, download your freebie, get in contact with you or find out more about your services.

Yes, you want it to be a great read standalone, however blog posts are most effective when they are part of an ecosystem of blog posts that link to one another, AND connect with your services.

Make sure you include CTAs throughout your blog posts, encouraging readers to find out more about your services or read other articles you’ve written.

Can blog posts actually help you land coaching clients?

Absolutely! Blog posts can be an amazing tool for landing clients. To see how, it might be useful to consider the buyer journey. For example:

  • Blog posts that are SEO optimised can help you get visible and found by new potential clients on Google/Pinterest.

  • Blog posts can speak about your story, and help clients to relate to you, building that know, like and trust factor.

  • Blog posts can encourage readers to download your lead magnet and get onto your email list, were you can nurture them and encourage conversions.

  • Blog posts can also help potential clients to get answers to their questions about what it’s like to work with you, helping them to make a buying decision.

Rather than just writing blog posts that happen to pop into your head that day, you want to make sure the blog posts you’re writing are going to actually help your business and help you land clients.

To make it super clear why these blog post ideas are effective, I’ve written under each idea how it will help you to land clients, rather than just writing for the sake of writing.

17 Blog Post Ideas for Life Coaches to Land More Clients

  1. Your Journey Into Life Coaching

Sharing your story is an excellent way of allowing readers to get to know you better. The length of a blog post also means you can go into more detail, sharing experiences that your reader can relate to, but also sharing experiences which showcase your expertise.

This blog post is particularly effective for building that know, like and trust factor with your audience. By sharing your story, you’re helping clients to see themselves in your story, relate to you, and understand where your expertise comes from. 76% of clients say they are more likely to buy from a brand they can connect to over a competitor - meaning sharing stories that clients can relate to is essential.

2. Life Coach vs Mentor vs Therapist: What’s the difference?

This is a common question in the coaching industry and there are already lots of resources out there explaining the difference. However, by creating articles that cover all of the most common questions within the coaching industry, you are positioning yourself as an expert in the field and as a resource readers can trust and rely on for the answers. This article can also help readers to identify if they need the support of a life coach, where you can encourage them find out more about your services.

3. Answer questions you get asked during your coaching calls and sales calls

One of the most under-utilised source of blog-post inspiration is your coaching calls! What conversations are you having with clients? What reoccurring themes are coming up?

Of course, answers are specific to each individual but if one of your clients are struggling with something, chances are, a potential client is too.

Sales calls are also a great source of inspiration for blog posts and the same thing applies - if one person asks a question, someone else will likely want to know too. You can then create blog content around these questions to pre-emptively resolve any objections and make buying from you as no-brainer as possible.

4. A behind the scenes look at what it’s like to work with you

This is one of my favourite blog post ideas and can be a game changer for landing clients. Particularly with coaching, it can be hard to explain what it looks like to work with you. However lots of buyers want to be reassured about what will happen if they actually decide to buy from you.

This could look like:

  • A break down of your onboarding process

  • A look at your resource library

  • What to expect on coaching calls

  • What will communication look like? E.g. platform/frequency

  • What happens once coaching is finished?

This kind of post is perfect for the overthinker who wants to know every detail before buying - the opposite of an impulse buyer!

By showing a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to work with you, you can build excitement, put their mind at ease and really showcase the wow-factor of being one of your clients.

Here is my own example blog post sharing what it’s like to work with me.

5. 1:1 coaching or group programme: What is right for you?

This kind of blog post is perfect if you have multiple offers in your coaching business. It doesn’t just have to be 1:1 vs group coaching. It could be self-taught vs 1:1 support, or courses vs group programmes.

This blog post can help readers to decide which is the right choice for them. It also helps readers to look at your offers from a perspective other than price.

By breaking down pros/cons of each offer, you’re helping users to make a buying decision and targeting those who are on the cusp of working with you.

6. How to know if you need a life coach

This kind of blog post is for readers who are right at the begining of their awareness journey. Maybe they’ve just found you, or just found out about life coaching and want to know more about what you do.

This post will help readers to move further along the buyer journey, and help them make a realisation that life coaching could be a good solution for them.

People who read this post are unlikely to buy from you right away, so it’s important you encourage them to stay in your world so you can continue to nurture them by inviting them to your email list, to follow you on social media or download your freebie. That way, you can stay top of mind when the time is right for them to hire a life coach.

7. Client case studies

You probably already know that testimonials are a powerful tool for selling your services, but client success stories can be used for much more than just a quote on your sales page.

Sharing case studies about your clients can help potential buyers to deeply relate to the stories of other and see you as the solution to their problems.

When sharing case studies, make sure to include details about where the client was BEFORE working with you, where they were AFTER working with you and what the work looked like in between. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be potential clients to see themselves in your clients stories.

Here is a link to my portfolio so you can see a real life example of an effective case study.

8. Interviews

Interview are one of the most underutilised marketing tactics in my opinion. By interviewing people, they are likely to share the interview with their audience, in turn getting the content (and your website) in front of new people.

Interviews also allow you the chance to have 1:1 conversations with people you want to get to know better, or even want to work with. It’s all about buidling up relationships and your network, and interviews are a win-win way of doing that.

Exposure and credibility for the interviewee, and exposure and deepened relationships for you.

9. ‘How To’ Posts

I know as a life coach, you may think that step-by-step or how to blogs are not your thing. But “how to” content is some of the most Google-able content out there. When people want to learn how to do something, they head to Google to find the answers. You just need to think a bit more creatively about what people are searching for. E.g.

How to meditate…

How to break bad news to a partner…

How to find your purpose in life…

Think about what your ideal clients are searching for, and get in front of them right when they need help to show you are an expert and able to help them.

10. Beginners Guide to X

Similar to the how-to content, this kind of content strategically positions you as an authority on the topic and showcases you as an excellent teacher. Beginners guides are particularly effective because it meets people where they are at. You’re not trying to teach them complex techniques or give them personalised advice.

Start thinking about where your ideal clients are in their journey, what are they just starting to learn, what are they curious about? That is an excellent place to start when it comes to writing blog posts.

Here is an example of my beginners guide to SEO.

11. Breakdown recent studies/news & what they mean

Depending on the type of client you are trying to attract, some potential clients may interested in more factual based blog posts. By sharing your expertise, you can reassure the logic-based buyer and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Particularly if you are a member of any associations or training bodies, you may have easy access to recent news and studies which you can utilise for content on your own blog, sharing your opinions and helping users to understand that information.

12. Podcast show notes

If you host a podcast for your business or have featured in podcasts - you NEED to write up the show notes for your blog. You can create a summary of the podcast, and link all of the important mentions e.g. guests, resources, other relevant episodes.

This is perfect for connecting with potential clients who aren’t podcast listeners but prefer to consume content in a different way, aka reading.

It also means you don’t have to come up with fresh blog post ideas, because you already have longform content in the form of your podcast, you simply need to repurpose it into blog posts.

By sharing your podcast and the key takeaways in multiple formats, it can really help to connect with potential clients who are in the awareness/nurture stages of the buyer journey.

13. Your unique approach to life coaching

I probably don’t need to tell you that life coaching comes in many forms, with different areas of focus, expertise and coaching methods. I therefore strongly believe that no two life coaches are the same. You have unique experiences and approaches which make you unique.

Share this with the world! Let potential clients that are snooping through your blog know what is different about your approach to life coaching.

This kind of content can really help to take people off the fence who are close to buying, by making it a no-brainer to work with you because of your unique approach.

14. Summary of an interview/video you have done

If you have ever featured in an interview or video, or created your own video/interview content, then you could repurpose this content into a blog post.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel with new content ideas week after week, you can simply reformat the content you already have. You could even use an AI tool to extract the audio and convert it into text for you. A little tweaking, adding CTAs and subtitles could turn it into the perfect blog post.

The great thing about interviews is that you can also let the interviewee/interviewer know that you’ve created a blog post about them. This could encourage them to share the blog post with their own audience, getting you in front of new potential clients.

The icing on the cake? You can reengage and nurture people already in your audience, who may have missed the interview/video the first time.

15. Why life coaching is a long term investment

When it comes to life coaching, you will cover some deep stuff with your clients. You may make some powerful mindset shifts, uncover lifelong trauma that has been holding you back, learn skills that will help you tackle situations for years to come. After all, I don’t need to tell you how powerful life coaching can be.

However, it may not be clear as day to some of your potential clients. By educating them on the long term benefits of life coaching, it can help them to see the value in working with you.

You can really connect with invidividuals who care about life-long change and are actually willing to put in the work. Clients who aren’t looking for a quick fix, but a long term solution.

Help potential clients to connect the dots in ways they may not have previously considered, helping to move them along the awareness journey into seriously considering working with you.

16. What to expect in your first life coaching session?

If someone is on the fence about working with you, they may need reassurance that it is safe to work with you. Investments are often scary for buyers, so consider how you can provide that psychological safety.

It can be very hard to describe life coaching when the topics you cover are often specific to the individual. Therefore, you can write a blog post which eases their mind and helps describe what they can expect from that very first call.

This can help you to convert potential clients who are already on the cusp of working with you, and help close that gap between hitting “buy” and that very first coaching call.

17. How to prepare for your first coaching call?

Similar to what to expect during your first call, some potential clients may be worried about how they should prepare.

Do they need to do anything? Do they need to mentally prepare? Should they come with questions? Should they come with problems?

By answering all these questions, you can reassure the overthinkers and capture readers right as they are thinking about buying from you.

But you may also want to use this blog post as a tool/resource you can share with new clients who have just signed on. Showing them that your process is solid, you have considered everything, and they are in good hands when working with you.

Here is an example of my blog post “how to prepare to work with a web designer”.

How to land more clients through your blog content

It is all well and good creating a tonne of blog content for your blog, but you actually want it to help you to land clients.

In order to do that, the most important thing to do is to add call to actions (CTAs).

However you can take that one step further, and make your CTAs even more powerful by first considering what stage of the buyer journey the reader is at?

If someone is very early on in the buyer journey and is only just becoming aware of what life coaching is, its unlikely they will buy from your blog posts. Therefore you want to encourage them to connect with you somehow so you can continue to nurture them and stay top of mind when the time is right.

Whereas if the reader is learning about what it is like to work with you specifically, that’s a great signal they are on the cusp of working with you, and just need a gentle nudge/encouragement to get them over the line.


A blog post about what it’s like to work with you - CTA to invite them to apply to work with you, to encourage them to take that final step.


A blog post about life coaching generally - CTA to invite them to join your email list or follow you on social media so you can continue to nurture them until they are ready to buy from you.

Want to land more clients by infusing the buyer journey into your coaching website?

If you’re a life coaching looking to land more clients then hopefully this blog post has illustrated that with some well-considered strategy, you can make landing clients even more effortless.

That is what I do everyday with my clients, by infusing the buyer journey not only into blog posts, but every page of your website.

So if you’d like to land more clients through your website (clients who actually put in the work and are excited to work with you specifically), then you may want to consider my web design services.

You can check them out here, or you can book a free zero-obligation discovery call to chat about how I can help your website a powerful client-attraction machine.